Andrew Goldner

Founding Partner of GrowthX

Andrew Goldner has been advising, running, starting and investing in startups since 1998. He began his career about the same time the Internet began to become a commerce engine, serving as a tech lawyer for Alta Vista, Yahoo, DoubleClick, Salesforce, and other and other pioneers. With Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick, Andrew saw an opportunity to start a financial news business for the Thompson family. Soon after, Thompson acquired Reuters and appointed Andrew as Publisher of Reuters News. In 2012, he joined Guidespark, which later was acquired by Tivian, and BrightTalk, which was acquired by TechTarget. By the end of his tenure there, he had co-founded GrowthX as a way to invest in rising city B2B founders. Andrew is a Kauffman Fellow, and graduate of the University of Cincinnati and Georgetown Law. He serves as a Board Member and Officer of the Invisible Wounds Foundation. When he is not working, Andrew can be found running or reading historical fiction.